Saturday, December 21, 2013

Psalm 42

I've wanted to do this for years, and never found a program which would let me. So I finally just wrote my own.
thin m                                                                                                      
As the deer pants for the                                                      e? Hope in                                                                     yer             me, While the    
    water broo    ks, So mys                                                      God, fo                                                                   to the         y say     to me al  
      oul pant      s for You,                                                     r I sh                                                                    God o         l da        y long, 
      O God. M        y soul t                                                     all ag                                                                 f my lif       '€œWhe          re is   
      hirsts f        or God,                                                      ain pr                                                               e. I will        your G          od?'€  
      for the         living G                                                     aise H                                                               say to God        Why a          re you
      od; When       shall Ico        things I           the house o               im For       emember You from the     land of t                     my   rock,           in desp    air, O m
      me and a    ppear befo       reme  mber a       f God, With the              the he       he Jordan And the peaks of Hermon, f                  '€    œWhy h         y soul? An  d why ha  
      re God? My tears hav       nd I       pou       voice     of joy             lp of            rom Moun    t Mizar.       Deep ca              ave     You fo                   ve you b  
      e been m                   r out     my s          a      nd tha             His pr           lls to         deep         at the            rgot      ten me                   ecome     
      y food d                   oul within                     nksgiv             esence            sound         of Yo        ur wat            ? Wh      y do I   g             disturbe    
      ay and n                      me. For I u             ing, a mul             . O my           erfall        s; All         Your           o mo        urning bec           d within      
      ight, Wh                       sed to go        titude keeping f             God, m           breake        rs and         Your           ause of the oppression          me? Hop        
      ile they                   al      ong with     estiva    l. Why             y soul           waves         have r        olled            of the enemy?'€ As a         e in         God  
      say to m                    the       thron    are you     in de             is in            over m        e. The         LORD                        shatt  er       , for I shall yet 
    e all day                    g an      d le     spair, O     my soul  ?        despai           will c        ommand         His l                    ing of m  y      praise Him, The help
long, '€œWhere is                ad them in pro       And why have you becom   r within me; T   ovingkindness in the daytime; And His song              bones, my adve    of my countenance a    
your God?'€ These               ce  ssion to           e distur    bed wi     herefore I r      will be wit  h me in the   night, A pra                rsaries revile   nd my God. -Psalm 42    

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