Saturday, August 23, 2014

Common Significations of Lexical Units in Greek and English

Eimi (‘to be’) can signify:
•    identity (‘Is the law sin?’ Rom 7:7)
•    attribute (‘No one is good except God alone’ Mark 10:18)
•    cause (‘To be carnally minded is death’ Rom 8:6)
•    resemblance (‘The tongue is a fire’ James 3:6)
•    fulfillment (‘This is what was spoken by the prophet’ Acts 2:16, NIV).

Ton (‘the’ [article]) is not the same as the English articles:
1)    When the article is given, there are two primary significations:
    a)    definite
    b)    generic
2)    When the article is omitted, there are also two primary significations:
    a)    indefinite (qualitative)
    b)    nongeneric (individual)
As you can see, 1a) = 2b), and 1b) = 2a), which should discourage any hasty deductions from a given instance or omission.

Genitive (‘of’):
•    of attribution (‘body of sin’ Rom 6:6)
•    attributed (‘newness of life’ Rom 6:4)
•    of possession (‘people of God’ Heb 11:25)
•    partitive (‘half of my possessions’ Luke 19:8)
•    of definition/identification (‘the sign of circumcision’ Rom 4:11)
•    of apposition (‘the body, [of] the church’ Col 1:18)
•    of comparison (‘the Father is greater than I’ John 14:28)
•    of description/connection (‘armor of light’ Rom 13:12)

•    subjective (‘the coming of the Son’ Matt 24:27)
•    objective (‘blasphemy of the Spirit’ Matt 12:31)
•    plenary=subjective+objective (‘the love of Christ constrains us’ 2 Cor 5:14)
•    absolute (‘while they were worshiping’ Acts 13:2)

•    of time (‘during the night’ John 3:2)
•    of measure (‘bought at a price’ 1 Cor 6:20)
•    of space/place (‘He was about to pass through that way’ Luke 19:4)
•    of means (‘even death on a cross’ Phil 2:8)
•    of agency (‘they shall all be taught of God’ John 6:45)
•    of relationship (‘David of Jesse’ Acts 13:22)
•    of location (‘Cana of Galilee’ John 2:1)
•    of material (‘this body of flesh’ Col 1:22)
•    of content (‘the net of fish’ John 21:8)
•    of destination/purpose/movement (‘children of wrath’ Eph 2:3)
•    of subordination (‘prince of demons’ Matt 9:34)
•    of production/producer/product (‘the end of faith’ 1 Pet 1:9)
•    of separation (‘ceased from sin’ 1 Pet 4:1)
•    of source (‘a letter from Christ’ 2 Cor 3:3)
•    of reference (‘a heart evil in unbelief’ Heb 3:12)
•    of association (‘fellow-citizens with the saints’ Ephesians 2:19)
Are the most important usages in Greek. Which is nothing compared to the 150+ entries under ‘of’ in the OED.

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