Sunday, October 6, 2013

2 Peter Chiasm

a   For the service of our God and Savior Jesus Christ (1:1)
 b   Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of Him (1:2)
  c   His divine power gives us life and godliness (1:3a)
   d   Through the true knowledge of Him (1:3b)
    e   His precious and magnificent promises (1:4a)
     f   The corruption that is in the world by lust (1:4b)
      g   Faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness (1:5-6)
       h   Brotherly kindness and love (1:7)
        i   Useful and fruitful for our Lord Jesus Christ (1:8)
         j   Purified from former sins (1:9)
          k   Be diligent to make certain His calling (1:10)
           l   His eternal kingdom (1:11)
            m   Remind you of the truth (1:12)
             n   Stirring up by way of reminder (1:13)
              o   Laying aside this dwelling (1:14)
               p   Diligent that you may be (1:15)
                q   Jesus' power and majesty and honor and coming (1:16-17)
                 r   We heard His voice (1:18a)
                  s   From heaven to the mountain (1:18b)
                   t   Prophetic word made sure (1:19a)
                    u   Day dawns in your hearts (1:19b)
                     v   One's own interpretation and will (1:20-21a)
                      w   Men moved by the Holy Spirit speak from God (2:21b)
                       x   False prophets (2:1a)
                        y   Bringing destruction upon themselves (2:1b)
                         z   The way of the truth (2:2)
                          α   False words (2:3a)
                           β   Their judgment is not idle (2:3b)
                            γ   Cast down and condemned (2:4)
                             δ   Ancient world not spared (2:5-6)
                              ε   God rescued Lot (2:7a)
                               ζ   Sensual conduct (2:7b)
                                η   Lawless deeds (2:8)
                                 θ   Punishment for the unrighteous in the day of judgment (2:9)
                                  ι   Indulge in the flesh (2:10a)
                                   κ   Reviling judgment (2:10b-11)
                                    λ   Unreasoning animals (2:12)
                                     μ   The wages of doing wrong (2:13a)
                                      ν   Revels and carousing and adultery (2:13b)
                                       ξ   Sin (2:14a)
                                      ν'   Enticement and greed and mislead ways (2:14b-15a)
                                     μ'   The wages of unrighteousness (2:15b)
                                   κ'   Rebuking transgression (1:16a)
                                    λ'   Mute donkey (1:16b)
                                 θ'   Black darkness has been reserved (2:17)
                                  ι'   Fleshy desires (2:18a)
                               ζ'   Sensualities (2:18b)
                                η'   Promising freedom, they are enslaved (2:19a)
                              ε'   Man is overcome (2:19b)
                             δ'   The defilements of the world (2:20a)
                            γ'   Entangled and overcome (2:20b)
                           β'   Their last state is the worst (2:20c)
                         z'   The way of righteousness (2:21a)
                          α'   The holy commandment (2:21b)
                        y'   A sow returns to wallowing in the mire (2:22)
                       x'   I write to you (3:1)
                      w'   Holy prophets (3:2)
                     v'   Following their own lusts (3:3)
                    y'   The fathers fell asleep (3:4)
                   t'   By the word of God (3:5)
                  s'   The heavens and the earth (3:5b-6)
                 r'   By His word (3:7)
                q'   The Lord is not slow but patient about his coming (3:8-10a)
              o'   All things are to be destroyed (3:10b)
               p'   You be holy and godly (3:11)
             n'   Looking for and hastening (3:12)
            m   According to His promise (3:13a)
           l'   New heavens and a new earth (3:13b)
          k' Be diligent to be found by Him (3:14a)
         j'   Found spotless and blameless (3:14b)
        i'   Our Lord's salvation (3:15a)
       h'   Beloved brother Paul (3:15b)
      g'   Things hard to understand (3:16a)
     f'   The untaught and unstable work their own destruction (3:16b)
    e'   The Scriptures (3:16c)
   d'   Therefore, knowing this beforehand (3:17a)
  c'   You must be on your guard against unprincipled error and falling from steadfastness (3:17b)
 b'   Grow in the grace and knowledge of Him (3:18a)
a'   For the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (3:18b)

For the service of our God and Savior Jesus Christ 1:01 3:18b For the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of Him
1:02 3:18a
Grow in the grace and knowledge of Him
His divine power gives us life and godliness
1:3a 3:17b
You be on your guard against error and falling from steadfastness
Through the true knowledge of Him
1:3b 3:17a
Therefore, knowing this beforehand
His precious and magnificent promises
1:4a 3:16c
The Scriptures
The corruption that is in the world by lust
1:4b 3:16b
The untaught and unstable work their own destruction
Faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness
1:5-6 3:16a
Things hard to understand
Brotherly kindness and love
1:07 3:15b
Beloved brother Paul
Useful and fruitful for our Lord Jesus Christ
1:08 3:15a
Our Lord's salvation
Purified from former sins
1:09 3:14b
Found spotless and blameless
Be diligent to make certain His calling
1:10 3:14a
Be diligent to be found by Him
His eternal kingdom
1:11 3:13b
New heavens and a new earth
Remind you of the truth
1:12 3:13a
According to His promise
Stirring up by way of reminder
1:13 3:12
Looking for and hastening
Laying aside this dwelling
1:14 3:10b
All things are to be destroyed
Diligent that you may be
1:15 3:11
You be holy and godly
Jesus' power and majesty and honor and coming
1:16-17 3:8-10a
The Lord is not slow but patient about his coming
We heard His voice
1:18a 3:07
By His word
From heaven to the mountain
1:18b 3:5b-6
The heavens and the earth
Prophetic word made sure
1:19a 3:05
By the word of God
Day dawns in your hearts
1:19b 3:04
The fathers fell asleep
One's own interpretation and will
1:20-21a 3:03
Following their own lusts
Men moved by the Holy Spirit speak from God
2:21b 3:01
I write to you
False prophets
2:1a 3:02
Holy prophets
Bringing destruction upon themselves
2:1b 2:22
A sow returns to wallowing in the mire
The way of the truth
2:02 2:21a
The way of righteousness
False words
2:3a 2:21b
The holy commandment
Their judgment is not idle
2:3b 2:20c
Their last state is the worst
Cast down and condemned
2:04 2:20b
Entangled and overcome
Ancient world not spared
2:5-6 2:20a
The defilements of the world
God rescued Lot
2:7a 2:19b
Man is overcome
Sensual conduct
2:7b 2:18b
Lawless deeds
2:08 2:19a
Promising freedom, they are enslaved
Punishment for the unrighteous in the day of judgment
2:09 2:17
Black darkness has been reserved
Indulge in the flesh
2:10a 2:18a
Fleshy desires
Reviling judgment
2:10b-11 1:16a
Rebuking transgression
Unreasoning animals
2:12 1:16b
Mute donkey
The wages of doing wrong
2:13a 2:15b
The wages of unrighteousness
Revels and carousing and adultery 2:13b 2:14b-15a Enticement and greed and mislead ways
Sin   2:14a

After James Millard Gibbs,

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