Sunday, October 6, 2013

Abraham Chiasm

A Go forth from your father's house (Gen. 12:1-6)
   B Unto thy seed I will give this land (12:7-9)
      C Abram says Sarai is his sister and Pharaoh takes her (12:10-20)
         D Lot settles in Sodom (13:1-18)
            E Abraham rescues Lot (14:1-24)
               F God promises Abram an heir (15:1-8)
                  G The Covenant Between the Pieces (15:9-21)
                     H Birth of Ishmael (16:1-16)
                  G' The Covenant of Circumcision (17:1-27)
               F' Sarah is informed that she will have a child (18:1-15)
            E' Angels rescue Lot (18:16-19:22)
         D' God destroys Sodom (19:23-38)
      C' Abraham says Sarah is his sister and Abimelech takes her (20:1-18)
   B' Birth of Isaac, the promised seed (21:1-8)
A' Hagar and Ishmael sent into wilderness (21:9-14)

Go forth from your father's house 12:1-6 21:9-14 Hagar and Ishmael sent into wilderness
Unto thy seed will I give this land
12:7-9  21:1-8
Birth of Isaac, the promised seed
Abram says Sarai is his sister
12:10-13 20:8-18
Abimelech restores Sarah and welcomes Abraham with gifts
Pharaoh takes Sarai, treats Abram well
12:14-16 20:7
God tells
God reveals
12:17 20:2b
Abimelech takes Sarah
Pharaoh sends Abram off
12:18-20 20:1-2a
Abraham says Sarah is his sister
Abram and Lot over-populate the land
13:1-7 19:30-38
Lot's daughters re-populate the land through their father
Abram gives Lot his choice of land
13:8-13 19:29
God remembered Abraham and Lot
God gives Abram the whole land
13:14-18 19:27-28
Abraham looks down on the destruction of the valley
Kings of the valley destroy each other
14:1-12 19:23-26
God destroys cities of the valley
Abraham rescues Lot
14:13-16 19:1-22
Angels rescue Lot
The king of Sodom praises God for Abram
14:17-18 18:20-33
Abraham pleads with God for Sodom
Melchizedek blesses Abram
14:19-24 18:16-19
God acts because Abraham will be blessed
One from your own body will be your heir
15:1-8 18:1-15
Sarah your wife shall have a son
The Covenant Between the Pieces - Abram's part
15:9-12 17:23-27
The Covenant of Circumcision - Abram's part
Your seed will be strangers in a foreign land
15:13-16 17:15-22
Kings of peoples shall come from Sarah
The Covenant Between the Pieces - God's part
15:17 17:9-14
The Covenant of Circumcision - God's part
To your descendants I have given this land
15:18-21 17:1-8
I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land
Sarai had borne no children
16:1-2 16:16b
Hagar bore Ishmael
Abram had lived 10 years
16:3 16:16a
Abram was eighty-six
He went in to Hagar, and she conceived
16:4a 16:15
Hagar bore Abram a son
Her mistress was dispised in her sight
16:4b 16:13-14
You are a God who sees
May the wrong done to me be upon you
16:5a 16:12
His hand will be against all, and theirs against him.
The Lord judge between us
16:5b 16:11
The Lord has given heed to his affliction
Abram speaks to Sarai
16:6a 16:10
The angel speaks to Hagar
Your maid is in your power
16:6b 16:9c
Submit yourself to her authority
She fled from her presence
16:6c 16:9b
Return to your mistress
The angel finds Hagar and says
16:7 16:9a
The angel speaks to Hagar
Hagar, Sarai's maid,
16:8a 16:8g
my mistress Sarai
Where have you come from and
16:8b 16:8f
the presence of
Where are you going? 16:8c 16:8e I am fleeing from
Hagar (16:8d)

That is not right. Hagar does not belong there. This is what it would look like if Ishmael was dropped from the Bible:

Go forth from your father's house 12:1-6 21:9-14 Hagar and Ishmael sent into wilderness
Unto thy seed will I give this land
12:7-9  21:1-8
Birth of Isaac, the promised seed
Abram says Sarai is his sister
12:10-13 20:8-18
Abimelech restores Sarah and welcomes Abraham with gifts
Pharaoh takes Sarai, treats Abram well
12:14-16 20:7
God tells
God reveals
12:17 20:2b
Abimelech takes Sarah
Pharaoh sends Abram off
12:18-20 20:1-2a
Abraham says Sarah is his sister
Abram and Lot over-populate the land
13:1-7 19:30-38
Lot's daughters re-populate the land through their father
Abram gives Lot his choice of land
13:8-13 19:29
God remembered Abraham and Lot
God gives Abram the whole land
13:14-18 19:27-28
Abraham looks down on the destruction of the valley
Kings of the valley destroy each other
14:1-12 19:23-26
God destroys cities of the valley
Abraham rescues Lot
14:13-16 19:1-22
Angels rescue Lot
The king of Sodom praises God for Abram
14:17-18 18:20-33
Abraham pleads with God for Sodom
Melchizedek blesses Abram
14:19-24 18:16-19
God acts because Abraham will be blessed
I will give you and your offspring after you the land
15:1-21; 17:1-8 18:1-15
Sarah will bear a child
The Covenant of Circumcision - God's part
17:9-14 17:23-27
The Covenant of Circumcision - Abram's part
God speaks to Abraham
17:15 17:22
God finished talking with Abraham
I will give you a son by Sarah
17:16a 17:21b
Sarah will bear Isaac next year
I will bless her
17:16b 17:21a
I will covenant with him
She shall be nations
17:16c 17:20d
I will make him a great nation
Kings of people will come from her
17:16d 17:20c
Father of twelve princes
We are too old to have children
17:17 17:20b
I will make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly.
I will covenant with him 17:19 17:20a I will bless him
Everlasting covenant (17:19)

Just goes to show that you can't make these things completely up – they have to conform to what's really there.

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